
Yantao Li: Ph.D., the University of Hong Kong

Yi-Ying Lee: Ph.D., University of East Anglia, U.K.

Kyarii Ramarui (Kia): B.S., University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Abdulmajid Alrefaie (Majeed): M.S., Johns Hopkins University

Jing Wang: B.S., Ocean Univ. of China

Yuting Lin: M.S., Ocean Univ. of China

Zhongshi He: M.S., Institute of Hydrobiology, CAS

Xiyan Ji: Ph.D., Fudan University

Lauren Jonas: M.S., University of Maryland (as a Co-advisor with Dr. Russell Hill)



Sarah Carpe: B.S., University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Yanhong Ji: Ph.D., The second military medical university

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Jie Wang: Ph.D., University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China


Donghui Gong: Ph.D., Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, China


Kunpeng Li: M.S., Hubei University of Technology, China

Yanhong Ji: Ph.D., the Second Military Medical University, China

Linan Zhang: Ph.D., Ocean University of China, China


Shailendra Kumar Singh: Ph.D., Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, India (SERB Indo-US Fellow)

Mohamed Mahmoud-Aly: M.S., University of Granada, Spain

Beijuan Hu: M.S., Nanchang University

Photo Aug 05, 2 13 25 PM

From the left:  Yantao, Charles, Chiamaka, and Yi-Ying


Charles Newcomb: Technician; Next position: Research Technologist at Johns Hopkins University

Chiamaka Nnah: LMRCSC intern; next position: student at Univ. of Maryland Eastern Shore


Jin Liu: Assistant Research Scientist (the 2015 awardee of “Thousand Talents Program for Distinguished Young Scholars” of China); next position: Assistant Professor and Principle investigator at College of Engineering, Peking University, China.              Liu Lab

Sangram Lenka: Postdoctoral Scientist (the 2015 awardee of the Israel government fellowship); next position: Principle investigator, TERI-Deakin Nano Biotechnology Centre, TERI University, India. Lenka Lab.

Jennifer Riling: LMRCSC intern; next position: student at University of Delaware

Photo Jun 04, 4 48 07 PM

From the left: Sangram, Jennifer, Yantao, Jin, and Yi-Ying


Zhen Zhang: PhD student (visiting from East China University of Science and Technology)

Manuel F. Olmeda-Saldaña:  LMRCSC itnern; next position: student at University of Puerto Rico

Yao Wang: PhD student (Visiting from Jinan University)

Jia Feng: Research associate; next position: Associate Professor at Shanxi Univ.


Andre Chen: student intern; next position: student at University of Maryland Colleage Part; Now: Tesla, Inc.

Christina Zhang: student intern; next position: student at Harvard Univ.

Stephanie Stookey: LMRCSC itnern; next position: student at UMBC


Kangsup Yoon: Visiting Scientist (Arizona State Unviersity); next position: Investigator at the Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Science, Wuhan.


From the left: Jin Liu, Yantao Li, Manuel F. Olmeda-Saldaña, Yao Wang, and Jia Feng

research team

From the left: Christina Zhang, Andre Chen, Yantao Li, and Jin Liu

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